Philip Gehrig
Agribusiness, Consumer Goods, Defence, Engineering, Food and Beverage, Information Technology, Medical Technology
Philip Gehrig - Principal and Patent Attorney at Wrays

I have extensive international IP experience, having practised as a patent attorney in Europe for many years.

I have a Bachelor of Engineering Degree with Honours from the University of Melbourne, and practise in the fields of patents, trade marks, and designs. My technical experience and expertise span a broad range of engineering technologies, including aeronautical and aerospace construction and components, medical devices and surgical instruments, prostheses and implants, mining and agricultural equipment, manufacturing processes and machinery, gaming machines and gaming systems, software architecture, clean energy, and consumer products.

My career in the patent attorney profession commenced in Melbourne during the 1990s, where I qualified as an Australian patent attorney and a New Zealand patent attorney. After 10 years in the profession in Melbourne, I moved to Europe where I was based in Germany for many years and qualified as a German patent attorney (Patentanwalt) and a European patent attorney. During my time in Germany, I became a partner of a leading patent and trademark attorney firm in Munich where I represented numerous German and European SMEs and multi-national corporations in the procurement and defence of their IP rights, specialising in examination, opposition, and appeal procedures before the European Patent Office (EPO).

After returning from Europe to practise again in Australia, I was elected to the Council of the Institute of Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA). In this capacity, I became Convenor of the Patent Practice & IP Australia Business Relations Committee, and Chair of a Working Group preparing submissions to IP Australia (i.e., the Australian Patent Office) on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions.

I am a Fellow of IPTA, a member of the German Patentanwaltskammer, a member of FICPI and a member of AIPPI.


  • Australian Patent & Trade Marks Attorney
  • New Zealand Patent Attorney
  • German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt)
  • European Patent Attorney

Professional affiliations

  • Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA)
  • Deutsche Patentanwaltskammer (DPAK)
  • International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)

Languages Spoken

  • German