Welcome to the final edition of IP Spotlight for 2020. And what a year it has been. A year which has presented so many of us with challenges we were unable to see coming. We’ve pivoted, we’ve adapted and we’ve innovated our way through, and we remember that with challenges and changing environments, come learnings and opportunities.
The team at Wrays would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients and associates once again for their continued support. We value our relationships highly, and look forward to continuing these in the years ahead.
And so for our final publication this year, we share the important dates you need to add to your diary – the Christmas closures of IP Australia and IPONZ. We also provide an update on Pfizer’s etanercept patent battle, take trade marks into consideration with our coffee and discuss the groundbreaking status of innovation in mining.
Enjoy the read, and we wish you a happy and healthy festive season.