Innovation in Mining – Not All So Ground-Breaking?

Mining has often been considered slow in implementing innovation and technological transformations compared to other fields – such as the automotive industry. However, the number of patent applications being filed by mining companies and those in the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services sector (METS) in Australia is significant, both in numbers and in its diversity. We will explore the different …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

What You Need to Know if You Are Dealing With Consumers in NSW

From 1 January 2021, businesses dealing with consumers in New South Wales are liable to penalties if they do not disclose to consumers: terms of contracts that substantially prejudice the interests of the consumer; if the business receives a commission or referral fee when recommending the consumer buys goods or services of a third party. What businesses are affected? The …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

How to Get Through the Valley of Death in the Shortest Possible Time

Every innovation goes through the Valley of Death…always…every single time. This applies as equally to SMEs and Enterprises as it does to Startups. Most Startups are aware of the Valley of Death concept, however, very few more established businesses realise precisely how and where this is occurring in their business right now, and how it is impacting them. It is …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

Pfizer Denied Speculative Discovery Application Against Sandoz’s Biosimilar Etanercept

In the recent decision of the Federal Court in Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals v Sandoz Pty Ltd [2020] FCA 1648, Pfizer has been unsuccessful in its application for preliminary discovery from Sandoz in respect of Sandoz’s biosimilar etanercept product “ERELZI”, which is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Background Pfizer is the patentee of three Australian process patents which it …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

IP Australia and IPONZ Closure Notices

Please note the following closure notices from IP Australia and IPONZ. IP Australia offices will be closed for the Christmas holiday season, from 5pm AEDT on Thursday 24 December 2020 and will reopen 9AM AEDT on Monday 4 January 2021. Online resources including online services will still be available. IPONZ offices will be closed for the Christmas holiday season, from …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

Australian Trade Marks Update

This article discusses the recent trade marks office decision of Holdings of IP Pty Ltd AFT Intelligent Assets Trust v Joseph Buttita [2020] ATMO 169. During Melbourne’s strict lockdown, my partner and I being avid coffee lovers, purchased a new coffee machine. Every couple of weeks we venture down to our local café around the corner and purchase some coffee …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

Using Honeybee Venom To Fight Breast Cancer

Using the venom from 312 honeybees and bumblebees in Perth Western Australia, Ireland, and England, a team from the laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (University of Western Australia) directed by Associate Professor Pilar Blancafort, tested the effect of the venom on the clinical subtypes of breast cancer. The research was led by Dr …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

No Nation Is an Island

Consider Trade Mark Protection Beyond Australia The quotation “No Nation is an Island” has origins in the poem entitled “No Man is an Island” by my favourite seventeenth-century metaphysical poet, John Donne. The first two lines of the poem are “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main”. …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

Australian Patent Office Opposition Update

On 12 October 2020, IP Australia handed down its decision in the Gliknik, Inc. v CSL Behring Lengnau AG [2020] APO 46 opposition in favour of the opponent (Gliknik) on the counts of insufficiency and lack of support. We explain this decision in further detail. Overview Despite the Raising the Bar Act (“RTB Act”) coming into full effect in April …

Wrays Industry Insights, Insights

Hydrogen – Australia’s Next Export Success?

In Australia, industry and government interest in hydrogen is building, as a future major export and pathway to decarbonisation of the global economy. Hydrogen is the most common chemical in the world and has many uses such as fuel for transport or heating, a way to store electricity, or as a raw material in industrial processes. Hydrogen energy can be …

Wrays Marketing Industry Insights, Insights