IP Spotlight 9 February 2021

Welcome to our first IP Spotlight for 2021.

As the year gets into full swing, we kick off with some good news from our hometown of Perth as our friends at Avicena Systems develop an innovative, rapid and low-cost COVID-19 mass-screening technology. Wrays’ Life Sciences team are thrilled to have assisted this Western Australian start-up with the provision of patents, registering trade marks and commercial advice.

Also in this edition, we look into the upcoming changes in the ‘.au’ domain space, and what they mean for companies operating in the Australian e-commerce market. We discuss what the post-Brexit landscape means for your intellectual property, and we happily report on further free extensions of time from IP Australia.

With continued changes to the innovation landscape in Australia and New Zealand, we are pleased to be in a position to keep you up to date. If any of our articles raise questions about your own IP, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team of IP experts at Wrays.

We hope you enjoy the read!
IP Spotlight


Wrays IP Spotlight